Impact Investor, SCA
Jonathan Gartner has a career covering finance, investments, energy, education and public policy. Living and working on three continents, Gartner served primarily as COO for organizations such as ABN Amro (global wholesale banking), Navis Capital (private equity) and LEAP Innovations (education technology). Other experiences included municipal bond underwriting for a variety of financial institutions, legislative policy for a US Congressman and corporate finance for an energy firm.
Gartner is an active impact-oriented angel investor serving as both a mentor and financier of a wide variety of health, environment, consumer, technology and other investments. Gartner is currently retired and serves on a variety of organizations including SCA Inc. (Chair - impact oriented angel investment group), CBB (VP of Finance – religious organization) and FINRA (Industry side arbitrator).
Gartner has degrees from Hamilton College (BA) and Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University (MBA), and is married with two children and one dog.